Ballot Results
Ballot Name:
2020-05 Modifications to FAC-001 and FAC-002 FAC-001-4 | Non-binding Poll IN 1 NB
Voting Start Date:
1/21/2022 12:01:00 AM
Voting End Date:
1/31/2022 8:00:00 PM
Ballot Type:
Ballot Activity:
Ballot Series:
Total # Votes:
Total Ballot Pool:
Quorum Established Date:
1/31/2022 2:21:10 PM
Weighted Segment Value:
Segment | Ballot Pool | Segment Weight | Affirmative Votes | Affirmative Fraction | Negative Votes | Negative Fraction | Abstain | No Vote |
Segment: 1 | 65 | 1 | 39 | 0.83 | 8 | 0.17 | 12 | 6 |
Segment: 2 | 7 | 0.6 | 5 | 0.5 | 1 | 0.1 | 1 | 0 |
Segment: 3 | 57 | 1 | 34 | 0.81 | 8 | 0.19 | 9 | 6 |
Segment: 4 | 13 | 0.7 | 7 | 0.7 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 4 |
Segment: 5 | 54 | 1 | 31 | 0.795 | 8 | 0.205 | 12 | 3 |
Segment: 6 | 38 | 1 | 19 | 0.905 | 2 | 0.095 | 11 | 6 |
Segment: 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Segment: 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Segment: 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Segment: 10 | 5 | 0.4 | 3 | 0.3 | 1 | 0.1 | 1 | 0 |
Totals: | 239 | 5.7 | 138 | 4.839 | 28 | 0.861 | 48 | 25 |
Ballot Pool Members
Segment | Organization | Voter | Designated Proxy | Ballot | NERC Memo |
4 | DTE Energy | Patricia Ireland | Affirmative | N/A | |
6 | PPL - Louisville Gas and Electric Co. | Linn Oelker | None | N/A | |
5 | AEP | Thomas Foltz | Affirmative | N/A | |
6 | OGE Energy - Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co. | Ashley F Stringer | None | N/A | |
1 | Dominion - Dominion Virginia Power | Steven Belle | None | N/A | |
3 | Edison International - Southern California Edison Company | Romel Aquino | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | PPL - Louisville Gas and Electric Co. | James Frank | None | N/A | |
10 | ReliabilityFirst | Lindsey Mannion | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
1 | OGE Energy - Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co. | Terri Pyle | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | OGE Energy - Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co. | Donald Hargrove | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | OGE Energy - Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co. | Patrick Wells | Affirmative | N/A | |
6 | Dominion - Dominion Resources, Inc. | Sean Bodkin | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Hydro-Qu?bec TransEnergie | Nicolas Turcotte | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Platte River Power Authority | Tyson Archie | Abstain | N/A | |
6 | Cleco Corporation | Robert Hirchak | Abstain | N/A | |
3 | Omaha Public Power District | David Heins | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | Dominion - Dominion Resources, Inc. | Connie Schroeder | Abstain | N/A | |
1 | PPL Electric Utilities Corporation | Michelle McCartney Longo | None | N/A | |
2 | PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. | Thomas Foster | Elizabeth Davis | Affirmative | N/A |
5 | PPL - Louisville Gas and Electric Co. | Julie Hostrander | None | N/A | |
1 | AEP - AEP Service Corporation | Dennis Sauriol | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Central Iowa Power Cooperative | Kevin Lyons | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Western Area Power Administration | Sean Erickson | Abstain | N/A | |
4 | Utility Services, Inc. | Carver Powers | None | N/A | |
5 | Ameren - Ameren Missouri | Sam Dwyer | Abstain | N/A | |
1 | Glencoe Light and Power Commission | Terry Volkmann | Affirmative | N/A | |
6 | Con Ed - Consolidated Edison Co. of New York | Cristhian Godoy | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Minnkota Power Cooperative Inc. | Theresa Allard | Abstain | N/A | |
6 | Platte River Power Authority | Sabrina Martz | Abstain | N/A | |
3 | Sacramento Municipal Utility District | Nicole Looney | Tim Kelley | Affirmative | N/A |
1 | Balancing Authority of Northern California | Kevin Smith | Tim Kelley | Affirmative | N/A |
1 | National Grid USA | Michael Jones | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
1 | BC Hydro and Power Authority | Adrian Andreoiu | Abstain | N/A | |
3 | BC Hydro and Power Authority | Hootan Jarollahi | Abstain | N/A | |
6 | Powerex Corporation | Raj Hundal | Abstain | N/A | |
3 | Ameren - Ameren Services | David Jendras Sr | Abstain | N/A | |
6 | NiSource - Northern Indiana Public Service Co. | Joseph OBrien | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | NiSource - Northern Indiana Public Service Co. | Steven Taddeucci | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Sunflower Electric Power Corporation | Paul Mehlhaff | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | NiSource - Northern Indiana Public Service Co. | Kathryn Tackett | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County | Meaghan Connell | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
1 | NiSource - Northern Indiana Public Service Co. | Steve Toosevich | Affirmative | N/A | |
6 | Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington | M LeRoy Patterson | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Sacramento Municipal Utility District | Nicole Goi | Tim Kelley | Affirmative | N/A |
4 | Alliant Energy Corporation Services, Inc. | Larry Heckert | Abstain | N/A | |
3 | Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County | Joyce Gundry | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
1 | Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County | Diane E Landry | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
1 | Wind Energy Transmission Texas, LLC | Doug Whitworth | Affirmative | N/A | |
6 | Ameren - Ameren Services | Robert Quinlivan | Abstain | N/A | |
1 | Southern Company - Southern Company Services, Inc. | Matt Carden | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | Southern Company - Alabama Power Company | Joel Dembowski | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Southern Company - Southern Company Generation | Jim Howell, Jr. | Affirmative | N/A | |
6 | Southern Company - Southern Company Generation | Ron Carlsen | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Santee Cooper | Tommy Curtis | Abstain | N/A | |
6 | Santee Cooper | Marty Watson | Abstain | N/A | |
1 | Santee Cooper | Chris Wagner | Abstain | N/A | |
3 | Santee Cooper | James Poston | Abstain | N/A | |
3 | Platte River Power Authority | Richard Kiess | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
4 | Seattle City Light | Hao Li | Affirmative | N/A | |
4 | Sacramento Municipal Utility District | Foung Mua | Tim Kelley | Affirmative | N/A |
3 | Tennessee Valley Authority | Ian Grant | None | N/A | |
6 | PSEG - PSEG Energy Resources and Trade LLC | Joseph Neglia | Abstain | N/A | |
1 | Tri-State G and T Association, Inc. | Donna Wood | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Choctaw Generation Limited Partnership, LLLP | Rob Watson | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Ameren - Ameren Services | Tamara Evey | Abstain | N/A | |
3 | Avista - Avista Corporation | Scott Kinney | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | PNM Resources - Public Service Company of New Mexico | Lynn Goldstein | None | N/A | |
5 | Avista - Avista Corporation | Glen Farmer | Affirmative | N/A | |
6 | Tennessee Valley Authority | Marjorie Parsons | Abstain | N/A | |
1 | Arizona Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. | Jennifer Bray | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Con Ed - Consolidated Edison Co. of New York | Dermot Smyth | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | National Grid USA | Brian Shanahan | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
3 | Con Ed - Consolidated Edison Co. of New York | Peter Yost | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Con Ed - Consolidated Edison Co. of New York | Helen Wang | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Dominion - Dominion Resources, Inc. | Rachel Snead | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | NB Power Corporation | Nurul Abser | Affirmative | N/A | |
2 | Midcontinent ISO, Inc. | Bobbi Welch | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | PNM Resources - Public Service Company of New Mexico | Amy Wesselkamper | None | N/A | |
5 | National Grid USA | Elizabeth Spivak | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
3 | DTE Energy - Detroit Edison Company | Karie Barczak | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | Tri-State G and T Association, Inc. | Janelle Marriott Gill | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | DTE Energy - Detroit Edison Company | Adrian Raducea | Affirmative | N/A | |
6 | Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County | Glen Pruitt | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
1 | Georgia Transmission Corporation | Greg Davis | Stephen Stafford | Negative | No Comment Submitted |
1 | IDACORP - Idaho Power Company | Sean Steffensen | None | N/A | |
3 | Georgia System Operations Corporation | Scott McGough | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
5 | Oglethorpe Power Corporation | Donna Johnson | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
4 | Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc. | Jonathan Robbins | Abstain | N/A | |
5 | Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc. | Trena Haynes | Abstain | N/A | |
3 | Nebraska Public Power District | Tony Eddleman | Abstain | N/A | |
1 | SaskPower | Wayne Guttormson | Abstain | N/A | |
5 | Nebraska Public Power District | Ronald Bender | Abstain | N/A | |
6 | APS - Arizona Public Service Co. | Marcus Bortman | Affirmative | N/A | |
4 | FirstEnergy - FirstEnergy Corporation | Mark Garza | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | APS - Arizona Public Service Co. | Michelle Amarantos | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Tacoma Public Utilities (Tacoma, WA) | John Merrell | Jennie Wike | None | N/A |
6 | FirstEnergy - FirstEnergy Corporation | Tricia Bynum | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | Colorado Springs Utilities | Hillary Dobson | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Lincoln Electric System | Josh Johnson | Abstain | N/A | |
5 | Lincoln Electric System | Kayleigh Wilkerson | Abstain | N/A | |
1 | Colorado Springs Utilities | Mike Braunstein | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | FirstEnergy - FirstEnergy Corporation | Julie Severino | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Sempra - San Diego Gas and Electric | Mohamed Derbas | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
3 | Sempra - San Diego Gas and Electric | Bridget Silvia | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
6 | Evergy | Thomas ROBBEN | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | PSEG - PSEG Fossil LLC | Tim Kucey | Abstain | N/A | |
3 | Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. | Todd Bennett | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. | Mark Riley | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | N.W. Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. | Mark Ramsey | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | NW Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. | John Stickley | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Evergy | Derek Brown | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | Central Electric Power Cooperative (Missouri) | Adam Weber | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | Northeast Missouri Electric Power Cooperative | Skyler Wiegmann | Affirmative | N/A | |
6 | Los Angeles Department of Water and Power | Anton Vu | Abstain | N/A | |
1 | KAMO Electric Cooperative | Micah Breedlove | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Evergy | Allen Klassen | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Eversource Energy | Quintin Lee | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | KAMO Electric Cooperative | Tony Gott | Affirmative | N/A | |
6 | Lincoln Electric System | Eric Ruskamp | Abstain | N/A | |
10 | Western Electricity Coordinating Council | Steven Rueckert | Abstain | N/A | |
6 | Portland General Electric Co. | Stefanie Burke | None | N/A | |
1 | Nebraska Public Power District | Jamison Cawley | Abstain | N/A | |
5 | Berkshire Hathaway - NV Energy | Kevin Salsbury | Abstain | N/A | |
3 | Owensboro Municipal Utilities | Thomas Lyons | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | Snohomish County PUD No. 1 | Holly Chaney | Affirmative | N/A | |
4 | Public Utility District No. 1 of Snohomish County | John D. Martinsen | Affirmative | N/A | |
6 | Snohomish County PUD No. 1 | John Liang | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Public Utility District No. 1 of Snohomish County | Alyssia Rhoads | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Public Utility District No. 1 of Snohomish County | Sam Nietfeld | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | FirstEnergy - FirstEnergy Corporation | Robert Loy | Affirmative | N/A | |
4 | North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation | Richard McCall | Scott Brame | Affirmative | N/A |
1 | Northeast Missouri Electric Power Cooperative | Kevin White | Todd Bennett | Affirmative | N/A |
5 | Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. | Brad Haralson | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation | Chris Dimisa | Scott Brame | Affirmative | N/A |
10 | SERC Reliability Corporation | Dave Krueger | Affirmative | N/A | |
6 | Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. | Brian Ackermann | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | Evergy | Marcus Moor | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | MEAG Power | David Weekley | Abstain | N/A | |
2 | Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (RTO) | Charles Yeung | Abstain | N/A | |
5 | Colorado Springs Utilities | Jeffrey Icke | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | CMS Energy - Consumers Energy Company | David Greyerbiehl | Abstain | N/A | |
1 | Omaha Public Power District | Doug Peterchuck | Affirmative | N/A | |
4 | CMS Energy - Consumers Energy Company | Aric Root | Affirmative | N/A | |
6 | Omaha Public Power District | Shonda McCain | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | APS - Arizona Public Service Co. | Daniela Atanasovski | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Bonneville Power Administration | Scott Winner | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Dairyland Power Cooperative | Tommy Drea | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Orlando Utilities Commission | Dania Colon | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | FirstEnergy - FirstEnergy Corporation | Aaron Ghodooshim | Affirmative | N/A | |
4 | LaGen | Wayne Messina | None | N/A | |
1 | Bonneville Power Administration | Kamala Rogers-Holliday | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | Bonneville Power Administration | Ken Lanehome | Affirmative | N/A | |
6 | Bonneville Power Administration | Andrew Meyers | Affirmative | N/A | |
6 | AEP | Justin Kuehne | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Hydro-Qu?bec Production | Carl Pineault | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | Los Angeles Department of Water and Power | Fausto Serratos | None | N/A | |
3 | CMS Energy - Consumers Energy Company | Karl Blaszkowski | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Dairyland Power Cooperative | Steve Ritscher | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | OTP - Otter Tail Power Company | Wendi Olson | None | N/A | |
5 | Los Angeles Department of Water and Power | Robert Kerrigan | None | N/A | |
1 | Los Angeles Department of Water and Power | faranak sarbaz | None | N/A | |
3 | M and A Electric Power Cooperative | Stephen Pogue | Affirmative | N/A | |
6 | Florida Municipal Power Agency | Richard Montgomery | LaKenya Vannorman | Abstain | N/A |
1 | U.S. Bureau of Reclamation | Richard Jackson | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
2 | California ISO | Darcy O'Connell | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Avista - Avista Corporation | Mike Magruder | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | MEAG Power | Roger Brand | Abstain | N/A | |
10 | Texas Reliability Entity, Inc. | Rachel Coyne | Affirmative | N/A | |
4 | American Public Power Association | Desmarie Waterhouse | None | N/A | |
3 | APS - Arizona Public Service Co. | Jessica Lopez | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | Ocala Utility Services | Neville Bowen | LaKenya Vannorman | Abstain | N/A |
1 | M and A Electric Power Cooperative | William Price | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Pacific Gas and Electric Company | Frank Lee | Michael Johnson | Negative | No Comment Submitted |
6 | Northern California Power Agency | Dennis Sismaet | Abstain | N/A | |
5 | Herb Schrayshuen | Herb Schrayshuen | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | CPS Energy | Glenn Pressler | None | N/A | |
3 | Great River Energy | Michael Brytowski | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Berkshire Hathaway Energy - MidAmerican Energy Co. | Terry Harbour | Affirmative | N/A | |
4 | Northern California Power Agency | Marty Hostler | None | N/A | |
1 | Great River Energy | Gordon Pietsch | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Inc. | Bradley Collard | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc. | Kristine Ward | Abstain | N/A | |
3 | Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc. | Jeremy Lorigan | Abstain | N/A | |
3 | Sho-Me Power Electric Cooperative | Jarrod Murdaugh | Affirmative | N/A | |
6 | Great River Energy | Donna Stephenson | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | U.S. Bureau of Reclamation | Wendy Kalidass | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
6 | Sacramento Municipal Utility District | Charles Norton | Tim Kelley | Affirmative | N/A |
1 | International Transmission Company Holdings Corporation | Michael Moltane | Allie Gavin | Abstain | N/A |
2 | ISO New England, Inc. | John Pearson | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
6 | Entergy | Julie Hall | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | Pacific Gas and Electric Company | Sandra Ellis | Michael Johnson | Negative | No Comment Submitted |
5 | Edison International - Southern California Edison Company | Selene Willis | Affirmative | N/A | |
2 | Independent Electricity System Operator | Leonard Kula | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Omaha Public Power District | Mahmood Safi | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | Hydro One Networks, Inc. | Paul Malozewski | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Hydro One Networks, Inc. | Payam Farahbakhsh | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | BC Hydro and Power Authority | Helen Hamilton Harding | Abstain | N/A | |
6 | Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Co. | Erin Spence | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Vistra Energy | Daniel Roethemeyer | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Exelon | Daniel Gacek | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
3 | AEP | Kent Feliks | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Co. | Ryan Abshier | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC | Daniela Hammons | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Salt River Project | Chris Hofmann | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
3 | Exelon | Kinte Whitehead | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
5 | Exelon | Cynthia Lee | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
6 | Exelon | Becky Webb | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
5 | Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Co. | Larry Rogers | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation | John Cook | Scott Brame | Affirmative | N/A |
5 | Salt River Project | Kevin Nielsen | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
1 | Pacific Gas and Electric Company | Marco Rios | Michael Johnson | Negative | No Comment Submitted |
5 | Black Hills Corporation | Derek Silbaugh | Jennifer Malon | Affirmative | N/A |
3 | Black Hills Corporation | Don Stahl | Jennifer Malon | Affirmative | N/A |
1 | Corn Belt Power Cooperative | Larry brusseau | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Black Hills Corporation | Seth Nelson | Jennifer Malon | Affirmative | N/A |
5 | Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington | Amy Jones | Abstain | N/A | |
5 | New York Power Authority | Zahid Qayyum | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Florida Municipal Power Agency | Chris Gowder | LaKenya Vannorman | Abstain | N/A |
6 | Manitoba Hydro | Brandin Stoesz | None | N/A | |
10 | Northeast Power Coordinating Council | Gerry Dunbar | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Boise-Kuna Irrigation District - Lucky Peak Power Plant Project | Mike Kukla | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Duke Energy | Dale Goodwine | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
3 | PSEG - Public Service Electric and Gas Co. | Maria Pardo | Abstain | N/A | |
2 | Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. | Dana Showalter | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | Berkshire Hathaway Energy - MidAmerican Energy Co. | Darnez Gresham | Affirmative | N/A | |
6 | New York Power Authority | Anirudh Bhimireddy | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Imperial Irrigation District | Jesus Sammy Alcaraz | Denise Sanchez | Affirmative | N/A |
6 | Austin Energy | Lisa Martin | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Austin Energy | Thomas Standifur | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Austin Energy | Michael Dillard | Affirmative | N/A | |
1 | Sacramento Municipal Utility District | Wei Shao | Tim Kelley | Affirmative | N/A |
6 | Salt River Project | Timothy Singh | None | N/A | |
3 | Salt River Project | Zack Heim | Negative | No Comment Submitted | |
3 | Austin Energy | Michael Dieringer | Affirmative | N/A | |
3 | Imperial Irrigation District | Glen Allegranza | Denise Sanchez | Affirmative | N/A |
1 | Portland General Electric Co. | Brooke Jockin | Abstain | N/A | |
5 | Portland General Electric Co. | Ryan Olson | Affirmative | N/A | |
5 | Constellation | Alison MacKellar | None | N/A | |
6 | Constellation | Kimberly Turco | None | N/A |